Personality is what makes the world and those who inhabit it an endlessly interesting place of exploration. Though I have not always been aware of it, I have always been drawn by this aspect of place throughout my artistic explorations, from music and various visual arts in my youth to photography today. The personality of the places we walk by everyday are what grab my attention and what I try to express through my photography. I picked up a camera for the first time almost by accident and was immediately in love with the process of just taking photographs. From there I started to look more closely at what photographs can show. Some will say a picture never lies. And while there can be various manipulations made with today’s powerful computing tools I would hold that this is true. There is a truth in every photograph, it might not be a realistic representation of what was taking place at the time but it holds a truth for the photographer who took it. They simply worked to bring the truth as they saw it out in their images. I hope I have done this here and that I am conveying some kind of truth to you with these images. So please take a look around and let us know what you think. If you have questions or if you would like to order prints of anything you see here, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Serving Austin and the Central Texas area Email: [email protected] Phone: 512-927-7261